
Born 2 Ride is about creating an opportunity for expression. To be clear it is about people with a passion for cycling. From developing riders, to enthusiasts and those who have a love of riding, of bikes, the events and that amazing twilight sensation between ecstacy and agony. The thrill to ride, to race, to challenge and enjoy is one that we can hopefully show as a gathering of perspectives through this collective journal.  The many journeys our contributors are on will be a show case of the riding spirit.

We aim to bring together a wonderful range of people who are willing to share from there view what it means to feel that sense of being ‘Born 2 Ride’. Quiet simply it is one of the few activities that we engage in that can be truly life long. Once you have the bug it is difficult not to feel that wonderful state of freedom that comes with riding a bike. We experience it at a young age when we first learn to ride and we are subtly reminded of it every time we venture out again and again

Our contributors will have many stories to tell and we hope that the variety of people who take the time to share their experiences will enjoy being part of the process which we know will highlight their passions.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. 1 Bridie O'Donnell

    Hey Drew,
    let me know what else I need to do to log in and then I can start my ramblings!

  2. Thanks Bridie you can get started when ever your ready. All the best with training.

  3. 3 jono thompson

    hey drew wat do i have to do to get a spot on here?

  4. 4 steven Waite

    Hi Nick,

    Drop me a message if you get this, trying to get onto you to see whats ahead for 2012.

    Roll on,
    Steve Waite

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